
In Iowa, Cruz Outlines Presidential Goals

Republican Ted Cruz talks with people who attended a rally Saturday night in Sioux City, Iowa. (Garret Reich/YJI)
SIOUX CITY, Iowa, U.S.A. – If he is elected president of the United States, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz told supporters Saturday, he’s got a busy first day planned – including “rip to shreds” the recent nuclear deal with Iran and ordering a federal investigation of Planned Parenthood, among other things.
Speaking to a crowd at Western Iowa Tech Community College, the Texas Republican said also plans to repeal “every word” of Obamacare and crack down on illegal immigration.
When asked about what Cruz would do concerning the borders, Cruz answered, “If I am elected president, there will be no amnesty. We will secure the borders and keep this country safe.”

The Sioux City crowd waits for Ted Cruz. (Garret Reich/YJI)

Before Day One in the White House, however, there’s a long road for any candidate, and it starts with the Iowa Caucuses on Monday, Feb. 1. That’s when both Republican and Democratic voters will make their preferences known in their party’s primary race.
Iowa Congressman Steve King, conservative commentator Glenn Beck and Phil Robertson, a star on the “Duck Dynasty” television show as well as Tea Party activists took part in the Saturday night rally in Sioux City in support of Cruz.
“We are here for the principles of the Constitution of the United States of America,” said Beck. “I’m here because, there are times where I know we all feel this way, where we are beaten down.”
Robertson, an avid hunter, said he sat in the duck blind Saturday morning and asked himself, “What is the only thing that could move me to Iowa?”
In listing his five goals for his first day as president, Cruz also promised to “rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional executive action that has happened under Obama” and to “instruct the Department of Justice and the IRS and every other federal agency that the persecution of religious liberty ends today.”
Cruz said the support he’s seeing “reflects the passion, the passion for the Constitution, the love for freedom, of activists across this country who want our country back.”
Supporter Ryan Gill said he believes in Cruz because he is “steadfast, reliable” and because he knows where Cruz is going to be tomorrow.
“I know that I can count on Ted Cruz,” said Gill, who said he is part of a conservative political action committee that supported Cruz in Texas.
Garret Reich is a Reporter for Youth Journalism International.


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