
Delhi Area Residents Recall Earthquake

Afghanistan (US Geological Survey photo)
CHENNAI, India – As a strong earthquake struck Afghanistan Monday afternoon, people felt the tremors in Delhi and surrounding areas.
According to the U.S. Geological survey the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 7.5 and occurred at a depth of 210 kilometres with its epicenter near the Hindukush mountain range in Afghanistan.
Jacob Manohar from Delhi, who is working with Ministry of Urban Development of India shared his experience.
“It was another day of work. We were doing our scheduled works. Around 2:40 p.m. we felt the tremor,” Manohar said.
“All of my colleague panicked and rushed out of the office building. But I felt it is not wise to do so. Being a structural engineer and having experience earthquake once in Port Blair I know I can rely on the beams,” said Manohar.
He said he took a position near a beam, prayed and kept an eye on the fire extinguisher in the balcony.
“The tremor lasted for 80 seconds,” said Manohar. “Things were back to normal in 30 minutes.”
Ambrose Thambi, who lives north of Delhi in Sonepat, Haryana, said everyone around him was in a panic and remained in the streets for many hours after feeling the tremor.
Jereme Kennedy is a Junior Reporter for Youth Journalism International.
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